NOTE: As of the last sim, this league was under the minimum 20% capacity. Invite your friends to join MyFootballNow to keep this league alive! Then send them to this league to become the owner of a team! The league will expire at 8/15/2024 8:00 am.

League Forums

Main - League News/General Discussion

New subscription plan

By dfisherman
2/12/2024 12:33 pm
Thanks for putting the league together GrandadB! You are truly one of the gems of myfootballnow. Due to the new subscription plan I unfortunately will have to drop my awesome team in this league. Best of luck to the rest of the GMs, hope to see you all around.

Re: New subscription plan

By dfisherman
2/12/2024 12:35 pm
Anyone know if we are able to remain in the leagues we are in until the end of the season or will we get booted out sooner?

Re: New subscription plan

By Pernbronze
2/12/2024 1:29 pm
I'll be leaving as well once the credits are up. You get one free league but access to the others requires $5 a month but if you had the daily 5 credits it applies and basically gives you the month free so we can say our goodbyes I guess.

Re: New subscription plan

By GrandadB - League Admin
2/12/2024 9:44 pm
Yeah, the new plan caught me totally by surprise, havnt looked at the Gen Forum yet. I understand that if JDB is going to put in the time and effort to code and program the game, he needs to be compensated. I dont know what the game income has been from the ads. Anyway, will see how it goes, I will probably subscribe, but my guess is that we will lose at least half the players.

Re: New subscription plan

By mmr253
2/14/2024 10:40 am
Unfortunately I'll likely be dropping this league at seasons end which is a shame as it's the first non RO league I've ever done an allocation draft for but I have another league that I've been in for much longer so I'll likely keep that as my free league.

Re: New subscription plan

By mmr253
2/14/2024 10:42 am
dfisherman wrote:
Anyone know if we are able to remain in the leagues we are in until the end of the season or will we get booted out sooner?

I asked in the main thread and JDB said this all kicks in at the end of the current season so we should be able to see the season out although I understand that some league owners/admins have already had their privileges removed.

Re: New subscription plan

By Redneckgopher
2/18/2024 11:09 am
personally I have played for a few year with only a pittance in buying enough credits to get by prob not even $50 for all the years, so because I enjoy the game even with it's faults I will continue with a subscription that will allow me to keep my current teams and have no adds.
Not many seem to want to pay to play, but many would like to play for free. Not sure if that is really fair but what do I know.

In all fairness I will give JDB the few dollars and see how it goes for a few months. Unfortunately if so many will drop out then there is a good chance that could end it for all

Re: New subscription plan

By Pittball1
2/19/2024 8:53 pm
I get what you're saying RNG, but 5 dollars a month doesn't even get you through a full season. 3 games a week, you're looking at 6+ weeks to get through the season and playoffs. Maybe I'm cheap or frugal, probably both, so I'm trying to decide between this league or the other league I'm in. If most people stay, I'll stay, otherwise I'll keep my other team,