NOTE: As of the last sim, this league was under the minimum 20% capacity. Invite your friends to join MyFootballNow to keep this league alive! Then send them to this league to become the owner of a team! The league will expire at 8/15/2024 8:00 am.

League Forums

Main - League News/General Discussion

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By GrandadB - League Admin
6/02/2023 3:47 pm
setherick has just joined the league as the owner of Stephen F Austin. We are very lucky to have him join us in our effort to get more variety and diversity into the play selection and use for this game. Best of luck with your team, seth!
Last edited at 6/02/2023 4:01 pm

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By GrandadB - League Admin
6/02/2023 3:59 pm

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By Gustoon
6/03/2023 8:25 am
GrandadB wrote:
setherick has just joined the league as the owner of Stephen F Austin. We are very lucky to have him join us in our effort to get more variety and diversity into the play selection and use for this game. Best of luck with your team, seth!

Yeah he’s alright ;)

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By setherick
6/04/2023 6:47 pm
I revised my probability script to include long passing plays again. Once it finishes running I'll drop it in a thread somewhere.

For full disclosure, it requires more than a little stats knowledge to understand. So feed it through ChatGPT if you get confused. ;)

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By GrandadB - League Admin
6/04/2023 10:18 pm
setherick wrote:
I revised my probability script to include long passing plays again. Once it finishes running I'll drop it in a thread somewhere.

For full disclosure, it requires more than a little stats knowledge to understand. So feed it through ChatGPT if you get confused. ;)

thats awesome seth, thanks a bunch, just learning about ChatGPT, looks real interesting! It will be nice if we can use a couple of long pass plays or more again and reduce the % of sack or pick. It can only work fairly if we all use the same settings for personnel for offense and secondary & linedbacker for defense. And not have specific rules that will interfere with the normal Ai selection. From what Ive seen and experienced in this first season, we're not far off, the personnel and coverages that are not being used need to be increased to overcome the Ai coach tendency.
Last edited at 6/04/2023 10:20 pm

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By setherick
6/05/2023 7:26 am
Something is still off because I don't have long passing play data, so I'll have to run it again while at work and hope it finishes by the time I get home.

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By setherick
6/05/2023 7:27 am
In this league the only rules I'm using are to control when to go for it on 4th down and a defensive rule to call attack 3 against the 230.

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By GrandadB - League Admin
6/05/2023 7:32 am
setherick wrote:
In this league the only rules I'm using are to control when to go for it on 4th down and a defensive rule to call attack 3 against the 230.

Thats about it, or Attack 2. Ive been thinking about specific rules to overcome Ai coach "faux pas", like not kicking a FG with 2 minutes left and up more than 17. Also when you are in solid FG range at end of the 4tth quarter and want to avoid turning the ball over as much as possible or taking a sack that would put you out of FG range. Or when you are trailing by 14 or more with 10 min or less left, no run plays. Same for trailing 7 with 2 or 3 min to go.

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By setherick
6/05/2023 7:58 am
setherick wrote:
Something is still off because I don't have long passing play data, so I'll have to run it again while at work and hope it finishes by the time I get home.

Never mind this. I'm the problem here. And I fixed the output:

Re: Please welcome setherick as the new owner of Stephen F Austin!

By GrandadB - League Admin
6/05/2023 8:00 am
setherick wrote:
setherick wrote:
Something is still off because I don't have long passing play data, so I'll have to run it again while at work and hope it finishes by the time I get home.

Never mind this. I'm the problem here. And I fixed the output:

sidenote, you got Team of the Week, give it a like. ;)